New York, New York
We actually got on a cross country flight and went to New York City for a week. Our favorite young friends were graduating from NYU and they really wanted us there to celebrate. We’ve known these sisters since they were born, have been a part of their lives ever since, and even instilled a love of books and reading…so how could we say no? Did, however, make us feel ancient to see them so grown up.
And, yes, as you may have heard, Taylor Swift gave the commencement address – it was all over the media and internet. She was wonderful, heartfelt, and real. In case you missed it, HERE is the video of the speech.
Other than two days of graduation ceremonies, we did lots of sightseeing and exploring – it’s been years since either Husband or I have been to New York City. I won’t bore you with our exploits other than the book-related sites – because, once again folks, this is, after all, Book Barmy.
New York Public Library
We booked a docent-led tour of the library – free, run by volunteers, and well worth doing if you’re in the city. Here’s some photo evidence of this grand dame of libraries.

The Rose Reading Room took my breath away, if I lived here I would come to stare at the ceiling and perhaps try to do some reading. The last photo is from Google as I had to show you how the lions wore masks during the pandemic.
The Strand
Another day Husband faithfully went with me to the famous Strand Bookstore with its proclaimed “18 miles of books” (however they now house over “23 miles” of books). We didn’t stay long – had other non-bookish things to see (I know!) and I must admit it was overwhelming. Four floors of books but the old wooden floors creaked appropriately and it smelled like a great old bookstore should do – as it’s been there since 1927.

Someone at the Strand likes to color arrange the books…always a struggle for me.
The Mysterious Bookshop
Our final Book Barmy destination was the Mysterious Bookshop owned by the famous Otto Penzler, whose great Christmas book is a prized possession of mine. He is known for his Mysterious Press imprint and is a well-known collector of rare and highly valued mystery books.
Now this smaller bookstore, much more my speed…but – but – just look the books crammed into this tiny Tribeca store front.

I did some purchasing here. First these tiny little ‘biblio-mysteries’ – small enough to fit in a jacket pocket. They are all short mysteries stories themed or set in bookstores, libraries, or just involving books. How could I resist – really?
And then, in a weak moment I spent a fair amount on Mr. Penzler’s own journal of his mystery book collection which he sold. But before he did he recorded the best of his collection.

As you can see, there are color plates throughout and a treasured souvenir of our trip to New York City.
The city is starting to come back to life after the pandemic. Restaurants were open, cafes had customers. Not as crowded as in the past, but those who were on the streets seemed happy to be out and about. As a result, it was a kinder, gentler atmosphere. Masks were still being worn (including us) so we felt safe and comfortable, even on the subway.
Husband’s FitBit recorded that we walked 41 miles throughout the city, but it never felt like it – so much to see – every neighborhood is different and unique.
And the people watching — always the best in NYC.
The Epicure’s Lament by Kate Christensen
So they tell me that blogs are over, a thing of the past and I should be using Instagram or videos on YouTube. Well, I’m old stubborn, so I will steadfastly stick with this blog.
However, in an attempt to breathe some new life into Book Barmy, I plan to have a series of guest bloggers. Today is the first in that series — a book review by my smart, well-read, and very funny friend Peter.
Peter and I worked together during the 90’s in high tech. We became good buddies and, as a result, didn’t dare sit next to each other in meetings–which would often result in sarcastic remarks (muttered under our breath) about the idiots around the table and futile attempts to not breakout in uncontrollable laughter.
Thankfully, we’re both now retired and often trade book recommendations. Recently we both started reading the same book – The Epicure’s Lament – Peter finished before me, I got stuck in the middle – so I asked Peter to write a review and he graciously agreed.
Here you go, without further ado, here is Peter.
There are books that start with great glee. Rollicking good fun. Laugh out loud funny. Then the wit wanes. Pages become heavier to turn. Chortling dwindles. The Epicure’s Lament was such a book for me.
Kate Christensen is a beautiful writer of elegant, sophisticated prose, and for that the novel has great merit. Her description of characters and scenes do not tax the imagination. They are full and complete. You instantly know and understand these people and places.
The main character, Hugo Whittier, is slowly dying of his own doing. He rambles around his family’s rambling Hudson River mansion in solitude until family members begin to encroach.
Fully aware that he is killing himself smoking, he is only interested in all things carnal on his way out. His disdain for anything human is astounding. The dark humor is entertaining for a hundred pages or so then becomes labored and repetitive. It seems like Christensen ran out of plot and reworks story lines again and again to squeeze out some mileage. She also diverts into historical and philosophical sidebars that, while interesting, don’t directly support the story line.
As the novel progresses, Hugo smokes his way to his diagnosed ruin while continually assaulting the people who want to love him. I kept thinking “Alright already, I get it.” A miscreant and a rascal of the highest order, Hugo Whittier, charming as he may be, stumbles through the story looking forward to the end of it all.
Unfortunately so does the reader.
So, do you want to be a guest Book Barmy reviewer? Have you read a great (or not so great) book? Just let me know. I gladly welcome any and all inquiries.
A big thank you to Peter.
Perhaps we have a problem here…
As you know, I am Barmy about books.
But it just became clear to me that I may have specific issues.
Yesterday I was trying to remember a book I’d read about a bookshop — or was it a library?
Hmmmm? I did a search on my kindle and discovered all these titles. Many were given to me by publishers, others I purchased or have on my library list to borrow. Some look good – others cheesy- all are mine — and ready to be read.
Apparently, I have a addiction predilection for books about bookshops and libraries.
Houston, we have issues …
State of Terror
I’m a big fan of Louise Penny’s Gamache series – just do a search of her name here and you’ll see my fandom.
Last year, I heard she was teaming up with none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton to write a political thriller. I had some mixed thoughts, but got myself on the library waiting list – and waited – and waited.
Finally my turn came up and although I’m not a big fan of political thrillers (I find real world politics scary enough), I started reading.
Ellen Adams, is Secretary of State in President Doug Williams’ newly formed Democrat administration, which has picked up the reins from the previous incumbent who seems to have been brash, reckless and not intellectually overburdened. Well, so far, very plausible and familiar. Here is Ellen Adams as Hillary herself, the former President is clearly patterned after our former president, and even the British Prime Minister with his permanently disheveled hair is obviously Boris Johnson.
State of Terror sets a fast moving pace revolving around the efforts to prevent a terrorist attack in America, after three bombs were detonated in London, Paris and Frankfurt. There are unrelenting plot twists where those who are trusted reveal themselves as evil, and those thought of as enemies, serve as allies.
There’s a great deal happening all the time in this novel and each short chapter brings up another gut-wrenching crisis – which eerily mirrors and predicts what is actually happening in our current crazy world. The authors are not afraid to criticize both sides of the political aisle, with repeated warnings about the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan leading to the return of Al Qaeda.
State of Terror was at times terrifying and, at others, charming and funny. I did enjoy Hillary Clinton’s insight on the inner White House scene and her understanding of the politics at that level adds impressive credibility to every page. It’s not a spoiler to reveal that the character, Betsy, is based on Hillary’s lifelong friend who also became a close friend of Louise’s. (Betsy seems like the kind of friend we would all be lucky to have.) And for you Louise Penny fans, the authors have a few scenes set in Three Pines and Gamache actually makes a small appearance.
Together, Hillary Clinton and Louise Penny have given us a frightening story of our times, including some chilling possibilities that came true and still could come true. I tried to lose myself in this thriller, but in the end I found it too real — too disturbingly close to the truth. Admiration is what I felt for these two women who could write something a year ago that is so true to life as if ripped from our current 2022 nightly news.
However, I must tell you that, for me, the ending was a huge cheat — and left me shaking my head in disbelief. It’s called a deus ex machina — a plot device where a seemingly unsolvable conflict or impossible problem is solved by the sudden appearance of an unexpected person, object, or event.
That’s all I say. Read State of Terror for yourself and tell me what you thought.
The Last Garden in England by Julia Kelly
Sometimes an un-read book follows you — nay, stalks you. This was the case with The Last Garden In England. The publisher kindly sent me a digital advanced reading copy back in 2020 and I dipped into a few pages and said to myself, ‘why, yes, this is a book I will enjoy”... but put it aside. Then a gardening friend raved about the same book (now published) and said she would give me her copy, I thanked her but said I had already had copy from the publisher. I sat down and read the first chapter, but got busy with the holidays, and abandoned it once again. Then the beautiful physical copy –(just gaze upon that cover) — arrived as a Christmas gift from my sister with a note saying — “this looks like a perfect book for you”.
“Uncle, uncle – I give up”, I said to this book that had been nipping at my heels and opened it with the vow to read it straight through. Which I finally did
The Last Garden in England is historical fiction centering around a garden at the fictional Highbury House estate.
It’s 1907 when Venetia Smith is commissioned to design the estate’s garden. Then during the war in 1944, Highbury House is converted to a convalescent hospital. And, in the present day, Emma Lovett is hired to breath new life into the now long-neglected gardens.
We follow five different women who are connected by the lure and love of this garden garden.
I can hear you now, five women set in set in three different time periods, that sounds complicated. Trust me — it’s not, Ms. Kelly does a fine job in keeping all the characters and time lines not only clear, but compelling.
The gardens come to life and are resurrected through these women and we see how these gardens influenced and connected their lives in very different yet similar ways. The three different time periods each had their own distinctive restrictions and freedoms for each of the women.
I’ll tell you a bit more about the characters and the time periods just to get you hooked.
In 1907, Venetia Smith has made a name for herself as a garden designer to the affluent showing off their wealth with sumptuous country houses. When she is hired to design the gardens of Highbury House, she is determined to make them a triumph, but the gardens, and the people she meets do more – they change her life forever.
During WWII, in 1944, land girl Beth Pedley arrives to work on a farm on the outskirts of the village and she hopes this is a place she can settle. Stella Adderton, on the other hand, is desperate to leave her position as the estate cook to pursue other dreams. And perhaps my favorite character is the widow Diana Symonds, the mistress of the Highbury House who is anxiously trying to cling to her pre-war life even though her home has been transformed into a convalescent hospital for wounded soldiers. But as war threatens the treasured gardens, these three very different women are drawn together by circumstances and secrets.
And in the present day, Emma Lovett, is a landscape designer who specializes in bringing long-neglected gardens back to life. Emma has just been given the opportunity to restore the gardens of the famed Highbury House estate, designed back in 1907 by her hero Venetia Smith. But as Emma dives deeper into the gardens’ past, she begins to uncover long hidden secrets.
Yes, The Last Garden in England is centered on a garden, but this not just any garden. This is an remarkable garden with separate garden rooms — there’s a tea garden, a children’s garden, then a bride’s garden, and my favorite the winter garden. Ms. Kelly gives highly accurate descriptions of the garden itself and the plants within. There are lots of roses, some supposedly bred just for the garden. (I took note to see if any of them actually exist.)
If you go to the authors website HERE, you can see videos and read about the gardens that influenced the writing of the book. Venetia is based on the famous garden designer Gertrude Jekyll. Ms. Kelly even created a map of her imagined Highbury Estate garden.
I admit The Last Garden in England was indeed the perfect book for me. A grand English house, an engaging story, characters I cared about and all tied together with a believable connection through the decades. Ms. Kelly’s rich descriptions of the garden really enriched the story which made this a very appealing read.
I only regret it took me so long to read it, but now just having finished it I realize this was the perfect time with spring arriving and my garden crying for attention.
If you’re like me, and want to be delightfully transported to a country estate garden, I highly recommend this wonderful novel.
Be sure to read the Author’s Note at the end to learn about the people, historical facts and existing gardens that inspired author Julia Kelly.
A digital Advanced Readers Copy was provided by Gallery Books via Netgalley
Missing by Karin Alvtegen
I love to go explore the little free libraries in various neighborhoods in the city. This one was one of my latest explorations.
I seldom take home a book, and sometimes leave a paperback or two. But you know me, the inevitable happened and, yes, I found a book that intrigued me so much, it came home with me.
Missing is the U.S. debut of Karin Alvtegen, Sweden’s queen of crime writing and the winner of the Edgar award for best novel of the year. Later when I opened it, I found myself immediately immersed.
The opening scene gripped me and, as cliche as it might sound, the first chapter left me wanting more.
Born into a life of privilege, Sybilla has chosen to live her life homeless in Stockholm. With her thrift shop suit and heels, she often sits at a hotel bar and charms a visiting businessman into paying for her dinner and hotel room. One night she chooses the wrong man and when he’s found dead the next morning she is forced to flee. Now she must hide among the homeless of Stockholm, taking each day as it comes, with just a backpack for her possessions, and constantly on the move.
Of course Sybilla is the prime suspect and her situation only gets worse when more victims are found murdered in a similar manner. Ms. Alvtegen skillfully develops the character of Sybilla by interspersing scenes from her childhood alongside her current life on the run.
Scandinavian mysteries have become popular here in the US, since the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I’m not a fan of the stark writing and bleak atmosphere. But Missing spun fast-paced plot, so I keep turning the pages. And I found the somewhat different perspective intriguing, with the story told by Sybilla the hunted suspect and an innocent one at that.
I found myself invested in the Sybilla’s survival on the street and hiding from the police. With dramatic twists and turns, I was unable to figure out the real killer, and why Sybilla left her privileged life, until the last 6 pages.
Ms. Alvtegen also adds in the background of Sybillas long-lost child. Trust me, all three story lines eventually intertwine into completion. Moreover, the motive for the murders was an interesting surprise and the resolution of the mystery made sense and was satisfying.
Missing was an absorbing and suspenseful story which I found somewhat reminiscent of Ruth Rendell’s writing. It was an interesting insight into Swedish society. A mystery, yes, but it’s also a commentary on those who are forced to live on the streets by unforeseen circumstances or by choice.
I have placed Missing back into another free little library, so someone else will get to enjoy this culturally different page-turner that kept me reading until the last page.