Radio Silence
My apologies for the radio silence here at Book Barmy…

I’m up to my eyeballs in a neighborhood association issue…involving permits, environmental regulations, and densely worded planning submissions. It’s a wonderful group of neighbors and we have a great pro-bono consultant ~~~

As a result, my leisure reading time has been cut way back. I’ve even had to set my alarm a few mornings – please, have a bit of sympathy…
In the meantime, remember how I confessed that I enjoyed examining people’s bookcases when they broadcast from home — it seems I’m not alone. Here’s an article from the New York Times:
“What Do Famous People’s Bookshelves Reveal?
I’ll leave you with the current window display from Omnivore Books – a wonderful (and favorite) cooking-themed book shop.

A Message to the Literary World
I thought this was worth sharing ~~ from yesterday’s New York Times |

Dear Reader, What an unusual and terrible time this is for all of us. With people’s lives at risk, and many lost so far; with the vast majority of us confined to our homes or out of necessity, precariously trying to work outside our homes. There is much to mourn, much to be grateful for and much cause for worry and fear. |
Apart from the obvious life and death matters at stake, we at the Book Review hold a special concern for those whose livelihoods depend on books. We think of the authors whose book tours have been canceled, authors who depend on income from teaching, authors who need money from speaking engagements to supplement their advances. All of those opportunities, temporarily — and in some cases, permanently — gone. |
Our hearts go out to the debut authors of the season, many of whom spent years, perhaps a lifetime, waiting for the dream moment when their first book would make its way into the world. We think of the authors whose publication dates have been delayed, complicating not only their financial lives but all other plans, professional and personal. We think of the authors whose new books are coming out right now, at a moment when the realities of everyday life can feel all-consuming, and when libraries are shuttered and many bookstores have closed or laid off workers. We think of those dedicated booksellers and bookstore owners who fear for the future of their retail homes, which even in good times can be difficult to keep going. We are heartened to hear of stores that are maintaining and even beefing up their online presence and manning their phone lines, offering curbside delivery to customers in their communities. We think as well of authors’ co-creators, the people who work in the publishing industry. Editors, copy editors, publicists, art directors, illustrators, salespeople, marketing executives and publishers who are now, like many of us, working from home offices with all their complications. Many in publishing have taken pay cuts, been furloughed or lost jobs. Which brings us back to you, our readers. We know you share our concerns about the state of the literary world we all admire and cherish. We hope that you find time and space in this difficult moment to turn to books, to do what they have always done: challenge us, inform us, entertain us. Books offer us the chance to escape and they force us to engage. Books are among the great empathy builders, bridging gaps that divide us geographically, politically, philosophically and demographically. At a time when many people feel isolated and alone, books bring us together. Please join us in support of all those in the literary world during this challenging time. Pamela Paul Editor of The New York Times Book Review |
Reading in Place My Favorite Books: Part 3
How is everyone out there? We’re now into the third week of shelter in place and it’s predicted to last for at least a month longer. Schools will not reopen until the fall, all our parks and beaches are closed except for visitors on foot or bicycle. Our transit system is all but shut down. The city streets are eerily quiet. Friends have been furloughed from their jobs, perhaps permanently. We’re doing our shopping as best we can and relying on our neighborhood shops. It may be a long time before we see our friends, or go out to a film, a restaurant, or (sob) a bookstore. We’re eating in, staying in, distancing on walks, and waving at (not hugging) our favorite children.
Now I’m a grand worrier, it’s my core strength — but even I, in my darkest wee hours worry fests, could ever have worried up ~~ well, a pandemic.

The operative word seems to be surreal. ~~ Okay, enough of that, how about we just move on to more pleasant thoughts — the final installment (for now at least) of my favorite books.
Once again a blatant plug to support your local independent bookstore — especially during these difficult times.
I know the libraries are closed in many areas, so if you want to buy any of these books — Please contact your local independent bookstore. They will happily take your order, personally ship your book(s), and will surely appreciate your distancing business right now. Find your local bookseller HERE

Gift from the Sea, by Anne Morrow Lindberg
Another one of those books I’ve read and re-read, purchased and given away to friends. Anne Morrow Lindberg, shares her meditations on youth and age; love and marriage; peace, solitude and contentment. She writes these during a brief vacation by the sea and draws inspiration from the shells she finds on the shore. A mother of five, an acclaimed writer and a pioneering aviator, Lindbergh casts an unsentimental eye on the trappings of modernity that threaten to overwhelm us: the time-saving gadgets that complicate rather than simplify, the multiple commitments that take us from our families. And by recording her thoughts during a brief escape from everyday demands, she helps readers find a space for contemplation and creativity within their own lives. (Be sure to find an edition with color illustrations of the shells.)
The Summer Guest by Justin Cronin
I fell for this book based on it’s cover and then it sat on my shelves for years unread. One foggy morning I picked it up at random and didn’t look back. This is a complex story of a family and its summer camp over time — the children and their parents, love and loss — all told simply and beautifully. Mr. Cronin paints a beautiful picture of a remote Maine camp where the summers of deep woods and deep lakes come alive on the pages — “enough silence to let you hear the planet spin or make you mad if you thought too long about it.” This is a must read (and a must keep on my shelves) novel. I highly recommend it. My full review with the book cover is HERE.
Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry
Husband handed me this book and said you should read this, it’s great. I looked at the cheesy pulp western cover and thought — really? But he insisted and, so read it I did. Not only did I read it, I cried through it, I laughed out loud, I thought about when I was away from it, and even dreamed about it. The characters are alive, vivid and you can’t help but be swept along on their journey. This Pulitzer Prize–winning classic of the American West follows two aging Texas Rangers embarking on one last adventure. Not only an epic tale of the western frontier, Lonesome Dove is also a treatise on friendship, love and loyalty. Even if you’ve seen the film (which was quite good) I highly recommend you experience this masterpiece in novel form. And yes, I did say, and mean — masterpiece.
Parnassus On Wheels, by Christopher Morley
I first read my grandfather’s copy of this idyllic book when I was still at home, obsessed with books, but yet itchy to get out into world. Parnassus On Wheels was the perfect solution. Roger Mifflin is a traveling salesman and roams 1917 New England in a horse-drawn caravan selling books. He’s decided to sell his little enterprise and thinks he’s found a buyer when he meets Helen McGill – a 39 year old spinster living with her brother. Mifflin thought McGill’s brother might like to buy him out, but it is Helen who casts fortune to the wind. Together she and Mifflin set off on the open road and along their way they encounter adventure and romance, and we get to learn Mifflin’s philosophies on life and books. A short, but oddly weighty tale about the love of literature, books, but mostly about life itself. There is a second book in the series, The Mysterious Bookshop, 1919 is a classic mystery set — where else? — in Roger’s bookshop. Many years later, I found my own copies in a used bookshop for $5 each. I’ve re-read both several times. Both are classics and deserve a space on your shelves. Here’s my favorite quote “When you sell a man a book you don’t just sell him twelve ounces of paper and ink and glue – you sell him a whole new life. Love and friendship and humour and ships that sail at sea by night – there’s all heaven and earth in a book, a real book I mean.”
A Fine Balance, by Rohinton Mistry
I very rarely re-read modern books, with the exception of A Fine Balance which I think I’ve read three times. One of the finest novels I’ve ever read. Overstatement? Not at all. Simply superb, the beauty and humor of this book is matched only by the awfulness and arbitrariness of life — a “fine balance”. The novel takes place in India during the mid-1970s under Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s “State of Emergency”. A Fine Balance tells the story of a group of Indian citizens- two tailors, a student and a widow, as they struggle through their lives, how their fates entwined, how their initial distrust for each other blossoms into family of friendship. This is a novel that instantly absorbs the reader. Preoccupied with the characters — Ishvar, Om, and Dina, — I cried for them, cheered them, and still remember them to this day. The story line and the characters remind me of Dickens. See my full review HERE
P. D. James
Okay, not a book per se, but a series of mysteries — all of which are excellent. Probably best known for her Adam Dalgliesh series, P. D. James is considered the grande dame of mystery and was a remarkable writer who crafted tales of suspense with engaging and interesting characters. She also wrote several stand alone mysteries — Cover Her Face is one of my favorite — again all tautly written. If you only know P.D. James by the PBS Dalgliesh adaptations (which were only passable), you’re in for some great reading ahead. What distinguishes P.D. James (and her mysteries) is that she crafted story lines that bring up questions of social privilege, politics, aesthetics, and theology. Be sure to read the Dalgliesh series in order as the characters and their relationships evolve. A fine mystery series with wonderful writing. Kingsley Amis called her “Iris Murdoch with murder”.
Robert Parker
I think we’ll end this segment about my favorite books with something easy to read, lighthearted and laugh-out-loud funny. Perhaps we all need that right now. I’m talking about Robert Parker’s long running series of mysteries. There are two; the Spenser series and the Jessie Stone series. Both are well worth picking up. Mr. Parker’s novels crackle with wit and contain some of the best dialogue ever written. (If you are an aspiring author, read Parker and learn how dialogue can and should deliver.) My hand reaches for one of his paperbacks whenever I chance upon them – often found at used books stores or those free little library boxes as you walk around. Guaranteed to make you chuckle and forget the outside world for a bit. My full admiration for his writing is HERE.
So folks I’ll say stay well, stay safe, and goodnight — sleep tight.

Reading in Place My Favorite Books: Part 2
Well it’s week two – but it sure seems longer. I hope everyone is staying well and home. I’m certain by now you’ve read through the books from my last list. No, well okay, I’ll give you some more choices.
But first an observation — is anyone else doing this? Now that many newscasters are broadcasting from their homes – yes, I’m listening to them, but at the same time I’m fascinated by their bookcases. How their books are arranged, type of bookshelves, and straining to see the titles. No, not you? I guess it’s just me. One broadcaster has his books arranged by color ~~ ? discuss please …

Now to the issue at hand – More of My Favorite Books

I know the libraries are closed in many areas, so if you want to buy any of these books — Please contact your local independent bookstore. They will happily take your order, personally ship your book(s), and will surely appreciate your distancing business right now. Find your local bookseller HERE
Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt
Once on a business trip, I got stuck in Dublin, Ireland and rejoiced at the extra time. After walking around the city most of the day, I wandered into a lovely bookstore and cafe. I enjoyed a perfect cup of tea and bought this book. This memoir kept me riveted on the flight home. A classic story of a poor Irish boy’s childhood, beautifully written and filled with charming Irish stories…such blarney as the Angel on the Seventh Step, who brings his mother babies. Frank endures poverty, near-starvation and the casual cruelty of relatives and neighbors—yet lives to tell his tale with eloquence, exuberance, and remarkable forgiveness. I still have my Dublin purchase on my shelves.
News of the World by Paulette Jiles
This is a do-not-miss book. I’ve pressed this slim novel into many hands of friends and bookstore customers. It’s the tale of seventy-one year old Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd who drifts through northern Texas, reading newspapers out loud to paying audiences hungry for news of the world. At one stop, Captain Kidd is offered a $50 gold piece to deliver a young orphan to her relatives near San Antonio. This little girl, Johanna was captured by the Kiowa tribe as raised as one of their own. Recently been rescued by the U.S. Army, the inconsolable ten-year-old has once again been torn away from the only home and family she knows. The captain’s sense of duty and compassion propels him to accept, though he knows the journey will be difficult. This unlikely pair travels through unsettled territory and unforgiving terrain. The captain must watch for thieves, Comanche, Kiowa, and the federal army—all while trying to corral the wild Johanna, who has forgotten the English language, tries to escape at every opportunity, and refuses to act “civilized.” Yet as the miles pass, the wary Johanna slowly draws closer to the man she calls Kep-dun, and the two lonely survivors forge a tender bond that marks the difference between life and death in this treacherous land. An accomplished and fascinating historical adventure story with heart and humor.
Heidi by Johanna Spyri
I loved this book both as a young girl and in later life with re-reads. Because of this book I’d longed to see the Swiss Alps – done! See HERE. But back to the book. In case you don’t know this classic story. At the age of five, orphaned Heidi is sent to live with her grandfather in the Alps. Everyone in the village is afraid of him, but Heidi is fascinated by his long beard and bushy grey eyebrows. She loves her life in the mountains, playing in the sunshine and growing up amongst the goats and birds. But one terrible day, Heidi is collected by her aunt and is made to live with a new family in town. While she tries to adapt to city life she secretly longs to find a way back up to the mountain and her beloved grandfather. A childhood favorite that holds up over time. Buy it to read to a young one in your life — that can be your excuse anyway.
The Piano Tuner by Daniel Mason
If you’re in need of an intoxicating escape, The Piano Tuner is just the ticket. In 1886 a shy, middle-aged piano tuner named Edgar Drake receives an unusual commission from the British War Office. Edgar has to travel to the remote jungles of northeast Burma and repair a rare piano belonging to a eccentric British officer. The story follows Edgar’s weeks’ long 5,000 mile journey from London by ship, train, carriage, elephant and canoe to complete his assignment. The adventure is interspersed with bits of Burmese history and unforgettable characters. I read this novel 14 year ago and still remember its magical and atmospheric story.
Time and Again by Jack Finney
When asked about my all time favorite books — Time and Again has a permanent place on that list. I have bought and given away many copies of this book over the years. In 1970, Simon Morley, an advertising sketch artist, is approached by U.S. Army to participate in a secret government project, which involves time travel. Simon jumps at the chance to leave his twentieth-century existence and step back into 1882 New York City. Aside from his thirst for experience, he has good reason to return to the past—his girlfriend Kate has a curious, half-burned letter dated from that year, which holds a mystery about her lineage. But when Simon begins to fall in love with a woman he meets in the past, he will be forced to choose between two worlds—forever. What sets this classic time travel novel apart from any other is the detail, the exquisite illustrations and curated photographs. Mr. Finney’s highly detailed descriptions bring the period to life – from the interior of the Dakota residence to the often pock-marked faces of the people, unprotected (as they were then) from small pox. Warning, these descriptions may slow you down, but that’s fine, as this is a book to be read slowly and richly savored.
Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain
If I had to choose a favorite Mark Twain novel, it would be this one. Twain’s colorful travelogue is a compilation of the newspaper articles he wrote while on a cruise to Europe, Egypt, and the Holy Land with other American tourists in 1867. His account frequently uses humor to describe the people and places he visits, but the best parts are when Twain uses satire when he becomes cranky with European profiteering or a pointless historical anecdote in Gibraltar. Twain also shows respectful reverence, as in the Canary Islands and the Holy Land. A more serious theme also flows through Twain’s experience. Twain sees the conflict between history and the modern world as he travels with his New World compatriots through the lands of ancient civilizations, ultimately discovering that you can’t believe everything you read in travel guidebooks. If you’re a fellow traveler, and feeling stuck at home, I suggest Innocents Abroad for an armchair view of faraway cultures and places.
The Most of Nora Ephron
I return time after time to this wonderful collection whether to re-read my favorite essay HERE or to dip into any of her works. I’m a huge fan of the sadly departed Nora Ephron, who wrote novels, essays, screen-plays, commentaries and commencement speeches – all included in this hefty volume. If you’re in need of some fun reading, you can’t go wrong with Nora Ephron. My gushing admiration is HERE
I’ll sign off for now, that should give you more books to choose from. I’m working on a final (for now anyway) Part 3 of My Favorite Books.
And remember that social distancing.

Reading in Place My Favorite Books: Part 1
This last week (and whew, what a week, heh?) friends and readers have asked for book recommendations. That’s a tricky endeavor as everyone has unique reading tastes. As a substitute, I thought I’d tackle something I’ve been contemplating a long time — a list of my own favorite books. Before Book Barmy, I kept notebooks of all the books I’d read with my thoughts – so pulling together my Favorite Books list presented quite a job. But seeing as I’m not going anywhere – I’ll give it a shot. Perhaps you’ll want to pick and choose from these Book Barmy favorites for books to read while sheltering in place.
I know the libraries are closed in many areas, so if you want to buy any of these books — Please contact your local independent bookstore. They will happily take your order, personally ship your book(s), and will surely appreciate your distancing business right now. Find your local bookseller HERE
So, in no particular order and surely missing some – here we go. I will use a combination of my own notes and the book blurbs to give you the briefest but most complete synopsis of each book. Many of these books have a permanent place on my shelves, while others are long gone – happily given away to others who will enjoy them.

My Favorite Books – Part 1
Stones for Ibara, by Harriet Doerr
An excellent novel of cultural understanding and misunderstanding — stereotypes, adapting, and the power of grace. Richard and Sara Everton who have come to the small Mexican village of Ibarra to reopen a copper mine abandoned by Richard’s grandfather fifty years before. They have mortgaged, sold, borrowed, left friends and country, to settle in this remote spot; their plan is to live out their lives here, connected to the place and to each other. The two Americans, the only foreigners in Ibarra, live among people who both respect and misunderstand them. And gradually the villagers–at first enigmas to the Evertons–come to teach them much about life and fate.
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
This novel will absolutely transport you into the world of a Geisha. Nitta Sayuri tells the story of her life as a geisha. It begins in a poor fishing village in 1929, when, as a nine-year-old girl with unusual blue-gray eyes, she is taken from her home and sold into slavery to a renowned geisha house. We witness her transformation as she learns the rigorous arts of the geisha: dance and music; wearing a kimono; elaborate makeup and hair; pouring sake to reveal just a touch of inner wrist; competing with other geisha for men’s solicitude and the money that goes with it. We enter a world where appearances are paramount; where a girl’s virginity is auctioned to the highest bidder; where women are trained to beguile the most powerful men; and where love is scorned as illusion. It is a unique and absorbing novel —romantic, erotic, suspenseful—and, for me, completely unforgettable.
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon
I never thought I would be interested in, let alone be besotted, by a book about two book artists in golden age of comic books — but this Pulitzer Prize winning novel just blew me away. A young escape artist and budding magician named Joe Kavalier arrives on the doorstep of his cousin, Sammy Clay. While the long shadow of Hitler falls across Europe, America is happily in thrall to the Golden Age of comic books, and Sammy is looking for a way to cash in on the craze. He finds the ideal partner in the aloof, artistically gifted Joe, and together they embark on an adventure that takes them deep into the heart of Manhattan, and the heart of old-fashioned American ambition. From the shared fears, dreams, and desires of two teenage boys, they spin comic book tales of the heroic, fascist-fighting Escapist and the beautiful, mysterious Luna Moth, the otherworldly mistress of the night. The writing is magic as they bring their comic book characters and stories to life — while also carving out their own vivid lives and amazing adventures of their own.
The Griffin and Sabine Series by Nick Bantock
These were hugely popular back in the 90’s and according to many critics, somewhat of a gimmick – but I adored this series of books and have hung onto them all these years later. Every so often, I’ll take them down and fall into what is the equivalent of adult pop-up books.
Griffin and Sabine are located on opposite ends of the earth — Griffin is a lonely artist in damp England, while Sabine is a native living on the sun-drenched island of Sicmon in the South Pacific. We meet them as they have just become pen pals and it is their correspondence back and forth which comprises the Griffin and Sabine books. Soul mates, they decide to meet, face to face. Their quest (and failures) to meet one another forms the backbone of these books. There are letters to open, postcards to read, handwriting to decipher, maps to study, all, for this reader — pure delight. You’re given the sensation of having stumbled upon a romantic mystery to which only you are privy – a private secret kept locked between the covers. The story is nothing much, but the discovery of it is exquisite. The art of these books is in their meticulous printing. There are actual envelopes glued into the text which you open to unfold an actual letter, postcards and beautiful illustrations– a true work of love on the part of Mr. Bantock and the publisher.
We Took to The Woods by Louise Dickinson Rich
Back as a teen in New Hampshire, we’d experience snow day school closures (much like today’s shelter in place). During one snow day, attracted by the jacket cover inviting me down a snowy path to a snug home in the pines, I picked up my mother’s copy of We Took to The Woods and happily wiled away the afternoon. Louise Dickinson Rich took to the woods of Maine with her husband. There they found their livelihood and raised a family in the remote backcountry of the Rangeley area of Maine. Ms. Rich made time after morning chores to write about their lives. This is not a biography, not even a memoir. Instead, in a very informal, conversational style, Rich answers key questions people have asked her about her life as a writer, a wife, and a mother deep in the north woods of Maine. One question per chapter: “Aren’t You Afraid? Don’t You Get Bored? How Do You Make A Living?” Her answers are candid, funny, detailed, and enlightening. We Took to the Woods is an adventure story, written with humor, but it also portrays a cherished dream realized in a full life. First published in 1942. I have since found my own copy in a used bookstore — but sadly, without my beloved original dust jacket.
The Magicians Assistant by Anne Patchett
Anne Patchett is one of my go-to authors but this has to be my favorite of her novels so far. When Parsifal, a handsome and charming magician, dies suddenly, his widow Sabine–who was also his faithful assistant for twenty years–learns that the family he claimed to have lost in a tragic accident is very much alive and well. She is left to unravel his secrets, and the adventure she embarks upon, from sunny Los Angeles to the bitter windswept plains of Nebraska, will work its own magic on her. A deliciously original story about love — in all its many forms.
My Life In France by Julia Child
This is THE book to read if you want to know about Julia Child. It’s fun, insightful, and delightfully ‘Julia’. Previously on Book Barmy HERE
84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff
My list would be definitely incomplete without this treasure. I have purchased and given away many copies of this book — one of my top top favorites. Read more HERE
Okay, that’s enough for today. Don’t worry there’s plenty more — see Part 1 above.

I have to get back to a new book which I just started last night. It’s auditioning for this same list…
Comfort Reads – Revisited
I thought it might be a good time to re-post this older installment. My recommendations still hold true. I imagine you’re wanting reading to take your mind off ~~ well, things. So, here you go.
In times of trouble, I turn to comfort reading. You know what I mean — books where the problems are understandable, humans are mostly kind to one another, and much is resolved over a nice cup of tea.
First, a few requirements, these comfort books must be well written, the stories well developed and the characters multidimensional. No insipid chick-lit or light romance for me (not that there’s anything wrong with those sorts of books..).
In case you too, are feeling a bit anxious right now, here are some suggestions. These are my favorite comfortable read authors… many of whom I keep on my shelves to re-read when necessary ~~
Joanna Trollope writes sparklingly readable novels often centered around the nuances and dilemmas of life in present-day England. She is witty, with a truly acute ear for dialogue. Her novels are never long enough for me. I have read most all her novels — some more than once, because she makes me laugh, think and also sometimes groan, at the complexities of modern life. Her novels take modern life head on; divorce, errant children, flawed friendships and fallen expectations – but all woven with great human resilience. Recommended: A Village Affair
Marcia Willett is a veddy veddy English author. Her settings are a major pleasure in reading her books — cottages or large manor homes in the English countryside. Her plots revolve around the emotional pull of families and friends. Her characters are always interesting. The families are complicated, but loved. Friends are irritating, but cherished. Secrets are revealed in aga-heated kitchens with a pot of tea and fresh baked crumpets. Recommended: A Week in Winter
I’ve mentioned Bill Bryson before here at Book Barmy, but I turn to him to cheer me up as I laugh out loud at his writing. My favorite are his wonderfully descriptive travel books – from hiking the Appalachian Trail to traveling in middle American. Mr. Bryson is a smart writer who has a knack of seeing the wry humor in just about everything. He is also a traveler’s travel writer — not content to follow well-worn tourist locations, but instead visits the obscure and calls out the wacky with often hysterical results. Recommended: Neither Here Nor There
Elizabeth Berg. A fairly recent author discovery for me. I found a book of hers in one of those little free libraries up in Lake Tahoe. Opened the book that evening and fell in headfirst, finishing it the next evening. When I came home, I discovered I had several of her books languishing on my shelves, given to me by friends and my sister. I had shied away, categorizing her as “woman’s lit”, which I often find trying. But based on my good experience, I read through another one and am almost through a third. I wholly agree with Andre Dubus who said “Berg writes with humor and a big heart about resilience, loneliness, love, and hope. And the transcendence that redeems.” Woman’s lit, certainly, but with intelligence, depth and heavenly writing. Recommended: The Year of Pleasures.

Rosamunde Pilcher, has long been one of my favorite authors ever since I read her best known novel, The Shell Seekers, published in 1987. Her books are a solace — especially made for these bruised and weary days. Another very British author, her character-driven stories of love in its various forms, flawed families, and steadfast friends have pitch-perfect dialogue and beautifully rendered settings. More than 60 million copies of her books have been sold around the world and there are special tours run in Cornwall, taking busloads of tourists to the locations in her books. Ms. Pilcher’s books live on a high shelf in my bedroom with my other comfort reads above. HERE’S the list of all her books, all of which I’ve read over the years and recommend for a lovely escape.
Hoping everyone stays well.