Holiday Advertising
Oh my gosh I almost forgot to give you my annual gift – the best Holiday Commercials I could find.
During this most unusual holiday, advertisers worldwide got the memo — not only is money tight for countless families, but 2020 has left exactly no one in a holly, jolly mood. So many of this year’s holiday ads convey the message that Christmas isn’t about extravagant presents or big get-togethers; it’s about the little moments shared with the ones you love.
Turn up your sound, expand to full screen and enjoy these ads – from me to you! Happy and Safe Holidays everyone.
This German ad for a pharmacy has gone viral, and for good reason: A grandfather’s weightlifting regimen isn’t just a vanity project, as the final moments of this ad reveals. (Translated from German, the tagline at the end reads, “So that you can take care of what really matters in life.”)
When a young ballerina’s performance is canceled due to COVID, her little sister ensures that with the help of neighbors the dancer can put on a (socially distanced) performance. Oh, and also with the help of some Amazon purchases, of course.
In this ad, the North Pole elves convince Santa — played by Steve Carell — to “rethink their whole approach” to Christmas this year (unsaid reason: the pandemic) to find inventive ways to spread the holiday spirit. From Santa team Zoom calls to the bottling of things such as grandpa’s old stories, the elves find a way. “This year has been harder than ever,” Santa tells them and, really, he’s telling us, “and yet, you all found a way to pull this off.”
In this animated commercial from Erste, a Central European financial services company, the elderly, and unhappy, Edgar seemingly prefers to spend time alone in his room, until a loving caretaker finds a way to bring his past into the present. What does it have to do with financial services? Nothing – in the Advertising business that’s called “borrowed interest”
In this over-the-top Coke ad, a father forgets to mail his daughter’s letter to Santa Claus, so he sets off on an epic journey to hand deliver the letter to the North Pole… only to realize that his daughter wants something only he can give.
Speaking of kids with heartwarming wish lists, the young girl in this ad just wants to see her friend and neighbor who has suddenly disappeared. But the woman comes back again on Christmas, hospital bracelet around her wrist, and smiles all around.
And now for something completely different: Capital One spokesperson Samuel L. Jackson reunites with Pulp Fiction costar John Travolta in this ad, with Travolta playing a Jolly St. Nick who puts Samuel on the naughty list for his naughty words.
The starry-eyed granddaughter in this sad, yet poignant animated short proves it’s never too late connect with loved ones — or to put old traditions in a new light.
The U.K.’s Waitrose supermarket chain (formerly John Lewis) is well known for pulling out the grand gestures for its Christmas ads. This year, though, it focuses on small moments — a chain of random acts of kindness that spreads holiday cheer. As always, the ad is beautifully produced, if slightly strange.
Radio Silence
My apologies for the radio silence here at Book Barmy…

I’m up to my eyeballs in a neighborhood association issue…involving permits, environmental regulations, and densely worded planning submissions. It’s a wonderful group of neighbors and we have a great pro-bono consultant ~~~

As a result, my leisure reading time has been cut way back. I’ve even had to set my alarm a few mornings – please, have a bit of sympathy…
In the meantime, remember how I confessed that I enjoyed examining people’s bookcases when they broadcast from home — it seems I’m not alone. Here’s an article from the New York Times:
“What Do Famous People’s Bookshelves Reveal?
I’ll leave you with the current window display from Omnivore Books – a wonderful (and favorite) cooking-themed book shop.

Birthday in Place
I had a birthday yesterday (yes, sometimes it falls on Easter). My usual birthday treat – wherein I’m let loose at our huge city flower market with Husband and his wallet in tow — well, it just was not going to happen. It seems flowers are not considered essential (I know! – but OK).
Before I could even feel even a little bit sorry for myself and my birthday under lock down — it turned into a wonderful day.
Husband surprised me on several fronts. He somehow found a pot of tulips.

He baked me birthday cookies — see the candles?

There were birthday cards to open, Facebook birthday wishes, and gifts from family and friends.
There also was a new cookbook from a favorite bookshop — Omnivore Books on Food.
Okay, the cookbook was a gift I got myself. Omnivore is small unique shop which is currently closed- but trying to stay in business. The owner (who is very well known in the food circles) is committed to paying her employees– even if out of her own savings. So I felt justified – helping one of my favorite shop owners (check), a cookbook I’ve longed for (check, check), and my birthday (check, check, check). Please click on the link above, and take a look at their website, they are happily fulfilling orders by mail –wherever you live.
But, I have to say, that the best part of my birthday was Husband made me my favorite dinner and cleaned up afterwards! Such a great gift.

It was a big number birthday ~~ Okay, let’s just say I’ve been filling out a certain type of health insurance forms since January.
April Fools

Just checking in. Everyone staying safely home and keeping well? We are. And while you’d be right to think I’m getting alot of reading done, I’ve also been on social media.
Normally, I don’t do much in the social media realm. I have a Facebook page and follow others on Instagram. Won’t get even close to Twitter — thank you very much. But my point, and yes I do have one, is that my time on social media in the recent weeks has proven to be really uplifting and funny. And, so I thought this might be the perfect day to share some humor from my wanderings on the internet.
We’re sheltering in place, it’s just like being grounded, but with cocktails.
The most unused household item during Quarantine 2020: Bras.
My three month trial of 2020 is almost over, and I would like to return it.
After years of wanting to thoroughly clean my house, but lacking the time, this week I discovered that wasn’t the reason.
I need to practice social distancing from my refrigerator.
Wow — bars, clubs and gyms all closed? My life is about to seriously be exactly the same.
First time in history. We can save the human race by laying in front of the TV and doing nothing. Let’s not screw this up.
Kinda feeling like the Earth just sent us all to our rooms to think about what we’ve done.
And then there’s these:

And then there’s this video
This endeth the humor for today — out for a walk, then back to my book.
Try to remember ~~ You are not stuck at home. You are safe at home
TV Barmy
My back is much better, thanks for asking. Did some Tai Chi every day, ice packs, stretching, and generally took it easy. Which meant I had time, not only to read, but also to catch up on some TV. Especially now that football season is over I get a chance to watch some shows of my own and I have some delights I want to share with you.

I’m in love with Modern Love. A co-production of Amazon Studios and the New York Times, this anthology series explores love in all of its complicated and beautiful forms. Each of the eight episodes brings to life a different story inspired by the New York Times popular Modern Love column. I found every episode beautifully written and acted — and either heart warming or heart breaking. A bonus — it features some great actors such as Jane Alexander, Tina Fey, Anne Hathaway, Dev Patel and John Slattery. Streaming now on Amazon Prime.

Good Girls. I stumbled across this show and watched because of Christina Hendricks (from Mad Men), but was quickly drawn in. I even got Husband hooked. Three woman, all at their wits end and desperate for cash, decide to rob a small grocery store — but are soon unwittingly deep into the world of crime. Sounds dark, but it’s not. It’s funny with lots of twists you don’t expect. It’s also action packed, joke packed, fun packed. If you like humor spiced with lots of drama you will love this wacky comedy. Find the first two seasons on Netflix and season three is just starting on NBC or on-demand.

Escape to the Chateau A documentary series which follows a British family as they trade in their two-bed apartment in Essex for a dilapidated 19th-century French chateau. Upon finding their fairytale castle, the pair begin work to restore it back to its former glory. With a limited budget to renovate 45 rooms, as well as improve and maintain acres of land, it is a huge task for the couple who want to create a beautiful venue for weddings and events. Dick, an engineer, is constantly struggling with heating systems and electrical issues, while his wife Angel gets creative with the chateau’s vintage decor. What is fascinating about this series is the couple’s perseverance through all sorts of setbacks. You’ll applaud as they conquer each seeming insurmountable task. This PBS series is hard to find – we have our DVR player to record it whenever it finds an episode.
To coin the NPR phrase – TV Worth Watching.
That’s enough — I’ve got cabin fever, I’m out to the garden and for a walk now that I’m mobile again.
Super Bowl in the Hood
So it’s Super Bowl Sunday here in our neighborhood, and while in recent years it’s not been a big deal — obviously this year — it will be.
But wait, first, I need to tell you about our little neighborhood. We purchased this house for more than our budget in the early 1980’s. The real estate agent said it had been on the market for a long time and didn’t show well. Translated: the house was a dump, a student rental house for the university nearby – complete with shag green carpeting, leaky sink, drunken party scrawling on the walls, and ancient aluminum siding. We never looked back.
Our house is right in the middle of a single block of row houses which sport various Easter egg colors — it’s a thing out here – quite cheering in the fog. The block dead ends at a rec park with tennis courts, soccer pitches, a baseball field, and our local branch library. Across from us is a private college preparatory school – so no houses across the street.
In recent years our little ‘hood’ has become close – we have a nice, friendly mix of middle class neighbors who watch out for each other. We remind each other to move cars on street cleaning day. We call if a garage door is left open too long. We take delivery of packages and many of us have spare keys. Our mail person is never in a hurry and stops to chat if we’re around. We have lots of little ones learning to to ride bikes across the street and tossing basketballs at portable hoops. Dog walkers go by and say hi. Books are discussed as we come and go to the library. We trade excess farmer’s market hauls and overzealous cookie bakes.
Yes, it is just like Mr. Roger’s neighborhood.

Today will be gentle fun. We leave our doors unlocked and we are expecting a few neighbors who will come and go during the big game. We will do the same — sharing and helping ourselves to snacks and drinks. Here, there will be shrimp, guacamole, chips, lemonade and beers. We’re further prepared with our basket of kids toys. Next door has their basketball hoop set up and there is talk of someone firing up their grill.
Appropriate dress is not required, but appreciated.

Join us, will you, and cheer on the San Francisco 49ers.
I’ll be in it for the commercials.