Cirque du Soleil
Every year Husband and I give each other one special Christmas present — tickets to Cirque du Soleil. You’ve probably heard of this unique contemporary circus show. There’s no animals, only humans — but what humans.

Let me give you a bit of background, Cirque du Soleil is based out of Montreal and has been producing and performing shows since 1984 (that’s when we first discovered them). They tour around world setting up a huge tent, wherever they perform. The troupe is made up of performers from all over the world — aerialists, acrobats, jugglers, gymnasts, trapeze artists, clowns, musicians – well you get the idea.
Every year the show is different and always magic. It’s wonderful artistic madness, amazing athletic abilities, insane props and gorgeous costumes. We find ourselves sitting upright, heads tilted upwards and mouths hanging open in delight. It’s sensory overload in a very good way.
There’s a live band and singers who sing in no particular language. In between the death-defying acts, there are unique clown segments — they use a bit of English but mostly gibberish to tell their stories and always get laughs. The performers actually change the sets and equipment in costume which is worked into the show. And, because it’s performed in the round and has tiered audience rows — there’s not a bad seat in the tent. Which is a good thing, because the tickets can be pricey.
Amaluna the show we just saw, is set on a mysterious island ruled by strong women warriors, so most of the performers were women – as were the musicians.
HERE is more information about their shows, including their permanent ones in Las Vegas. (Husband once scored a cheap air fare and hotel package to Las Vegas and we went JUST to see the Cirque du Soleil shows.)
And HERE a video of the show we just saw – Amaluna. Be sure to turn up your sound.
Do, please. try to see a Cirque du Soleil show live and in person you’ll be amazed.
And, I don’t know about you, but I always leave silently thinking now if I just get to the gym a bit more often I could do that too ~~