Field trip anyone?
I’ve just recently been made aware of this hotel in New York City…
Husband and I were in NYC last May, but alas, didn’t know of this book lovers paradise. I’ve happily browsed their website and have to share some lovely images.

Books abound — in the bar, in the lobby, in the hallways, and of course there is a dedicated reading room — where I would order my food and drink delivered.
From their website:
The Library Hotel’s collection of over 6,000 books is organized by the Dewey Decimal Classification Each of the 10 guestroom floors honors one of the 10 categories of the Dewey Decimal Classification and our 60 rooms are uniquely adorned with about 50-150 books and artwork exploring a distinctive topic within the category it belongs to.
Isn’t that something? Be still my Book Barmy heart…
And here is a typical room with books, of course, provided. The Library Hotel is pricey, but not out of line for New York City
So who among you barmy book lovers would like to join me on a field trip?
I promise we will explore the city but only after we’ve gotten a fill of the hotel
Library Hotel Website HERE
N.B. It won’t ruin it for me, but it does rankle me that they charge a $25 per daily resort fee which covers a range of so-called extras (when did WiFi become an extra?) – one of which is access to their library 24 hours a day. It seems a bit chintzy of them, but I guess they have to cover any losses, you know, those that may try to smuggle books home in their luggage …
not me ~~ but I’d be sorely tempted.