Pinch Me by Barbara Doyle
It was a cold, rainy day when a small publishing house sent an email requesting a review of this memoir about a couple who find and restore a 300-year old Italian farmhouse. As nothing had grabbed me recently, book wise, I was still in much pain with my knee, and craving a warm escape — I replied ‘why yes, yes please’.
Pinch Me takes place in a part of Italy that really appeals to me – the Piemonte region. Now, unlike our friends who moved to France, I would prefer Italy, specifically this area of Piedmont, bordering France and Switzerland — and (sigh) at the foot of the Alps.
At first, this memoir seemed typical of this genre — a couple discovers a crumbling old stone farmhouse and face the challenges of purchasing it and then setting about to rebuild. But soon, I was transported with the author deeper into the beautiful area, exploring the village, looking over the landscape, sipping coffee in the little cafe, and being introduced to the neighbors in their new community. I especially liked getting to know Biagio and Angela who live on the same property and let the author and her husband rent a separate apartment in their home (while their property is in construction) — they soon become family.
Ms. Doyle relates how she and her husband struggled with the language, the endless Italian paper work, wrestling with builders, and their own long hours of hard labor, including hauling heavy stone away from the foundation. She also waxes on the zen-like calm found in doing dishes by hand and the joy of shopping at the village street markets where the produce is so fresh it comes with dirt attached.
The couple have kept their apartment in San Francisco, and are able to go back and forth once they found a trusted and reliable contractor to keep the house renovations moving. But, as their new home nears completion, the call of Italy is soon too irresistible and they make the permanent move, with heart break at leaving friends and family, but also excitement.
As they settle into their new life, Ms. Doyle’s writes beautifully of their piece of paradise — the beautiful landscapes, dinners with neighbors, trips into the alps, spending hot afternoons napping, and refreshing dips in their pool.
There’s a very funny (okay maybe not for our intrepid couple) tale of trying to get their American car licensed – which perfectly captures the long drawn out and confusing frustrations of Italian bureaucracy.
As a good cook and self-acknowledged foodie, Ms. Boyle shines with her descriptions of the good food, long meals in Italian restaurants, and even shares her favorite recipes learned from local home cooks–Bagnetto Verde and Risotto Milanese – as well as, her mom’s southern pecan pie.
A delightful new experience for me — Ms. Doyle has included her photographs via QR codes at the end of each chapter. Here’s photographic evidence of the before and after – just incredible.

A short read, Pinch Me is a warm, wonderful escape. Sit back and immerse yourself in a couple’s dream come true, and the home they created. Enjoy the warm evenings, gracious neighbors, and the food (oh the food!) of this beautiful region. Maybe like me, as soon as you close the book, you’ll be researching this area as a possible future destination.
Many thanks to She Writes Press and Books Forward for an advanced readers copy.