Reasons ~ so many reasons…
Book Barmy’s absence can be explained– but not forgiven. I apologize to one and all…and thank you for your notes of inquiry. Not to worry, Husband and I are healthy and staying safe.
My life has been distracting – eliminating any focus or relaxation, and thus, any reading.
Suffice it to say it’s been a weird recipe; turn on March through July, introduce our neighborhood battle against nighttime stadium lights across the street, simmer with subtle but constant virus worry, stir in black lives matter, whipped up by current politics, add slowly heating election jitters — but the final ingredient – the final blow

… my beloved Friends of the SF Library Bookstore has had to close – permanently. Covid 19 shut it down in March. As a non-profit, the bookstore’s margins were tight to begin with, the few paid staff had to be laid-off, and the retail space lease could not be maintained (SanFrancisco = expensive). I know it was a tough and heartbreaking decision for the organization — but they couldn’t see any way through.
Readers of Book Barmy will know of my joy with volunteering/working at this wonderful little gem of a bookstore. I had my favorite customers and wrote of one young one I’ve watched grow up over my years there. Re-visit those posts HERE and HERE
During my hectic and often soul-shattering career, I would make lists of things I would do with my life if I didn’t have to work…doesn’t everyone? Anyway, always, always at the top of every list was ‘work in a bookstore’. It started out as ‘own a bookstore’ but I got wiser with age (ha, not really).
When I did finally walk away from grind of work, I heard that the Friends of the San Francisco Public Library was looking for bookstore volunteers. I leapt to fill out the application, was interviewed, and accepted. That was back in 2003. I’d been working as a volunteer in both their bookstores* and the Friends big book sales ever since.
It was the perfect gig; great schedule — one day a week – maybe two, time off for travel whenever I wanted, learning about books – especially old books, helping customers find books (I’m looking for the book about a tiger and boy on a raft in the ocean), shelving books, talking about books, and most of all, being surrounded by books.

Also, the Big Book Sale won’t happen this year (for obvious reasons) and is in question for the future…

I’m trying hard to be a grown up and buck up about all this but— truth be told — I’m really sad –
When the library system fully re-opens again – some day – who knows when, I’ll look into volunteering directly with the library system itself. There’s a book mobile that used to be in front of the SF zoo once a week. It’s a nice walk, and maybe, just maybe, that will work out. To quote Robert Frost — I always entertain great hopes.
There you go, the valid reasons for Book Barmy silence all spelled out — but it’s still embarrassing.
Book Barmy will once again resurface, I have books to tell you about and short trip up the coast planned – so please do have patience and stick with me here.
I promise, Book Barmy will be ~~~ well ~~~

(*the other bookstore is (sob) was in a little corner of our SF main library and it may, or may not, re-open)
I’ve missed Barmy so much and must admit I’ve experienced some worry as well. Now that I know the cause ( causes) my heart aches for the lost bookstore. The whole community must feel the pain, but Barmy will need some time to recover, and we will try to bear up … It won’t be easy, we’re rather spoiled by both the enthusiasm and wry humor that graces Barmy’s blog. However, we, too will have to pull up our Big-Girl socks and deal with it.
Until we see your page again, be well, be calm, and carry on.
Great piece. My heart is heavy for your loss and you have every right to take some time for yourself. Life is very scary right now on so many levels…our job is to keep everything in perspective and power on.